Tuesday, January 1, 2013

{welcome to kita & squeak}

2013 a new year and a clean slate and the perfect time to start blogging again!

A new blog is just like a new diary, blank pages ready to be filled, stories to be created and shared and pictures to be taken.

This blog is going to be different from what I have done in the past. I can't wait to get share not only the gorgeous handmade items I have been making for kita & squeak, but projects I have tried and tested from Pinterest , delicious recipes I've cooked and pictures I've taken. This year is going to be filled with lots of exciting new projects all in the pipeline and I am bursting to start sharing them, but all in good time.

And to start the year and the launch of my new blog why not do it with a giveaway! This is your chance to receive a piece of kita & squeak for free! I am giving away this gorgeous little handmade zippered pouch, made with beautiful linen from this Cottage Garden, Natural linen from thea & sami, and lined with 100% quilters cotton, including registered post within Australia.

To win all you have to do is follow these simple steps:

1. Comment on this post as to what you would use this pouch for
2. "Like" kita & squeak on Facebook
3. Share this blog post on Facebook, by clicking the little Facebook icon at the bottom of this post

4. Follow this blog, just click over on the "Join this Site" tab on the right hand side.

It is that easy and will only take a few short minutes of your time.

The competition will close on the Sunday the 13th of January, at 8pm Australian Central Daylight Time, and I will be checking that all components of the entry have been completed, and keep an eye out there will be a chance for a bonus entry between now and the end of the competition!

Thank you and may 2013 be an exciting, prosperous new year, filled with happiness, laughter, love and friendship.

{victoria} xx


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi! I would give this to someone I know who has been having an exhausting time lately and would love to cheer her up with something for her - since she's been giving so much out to looking after her three kids.

  3. I would love to win this! I can just see it as a little pouch for all my extra photo bits when out and about :)

  4. Very nice pouch :) I'd use it for my current crochet block, looks like a nice size to carry a hook and yarn in my bag so it doesn't get tangled up with everything else!

  5. oh that is cute!
    it would definitely have to go in my bag so it was always with me
    for a little hand sewing kit
    perfect and gorgeous!

  6. Oh so cute, I would use it to try and organise the out of control chaos in my handbag!

  7. Hi Ive tried to log this a few times but no good on iphone so it seems Vic.

    Love this creation, well done.
    This cute bag would have a million uses but I think it should be used in my work bag to help organise the chaos and neatly sort my precious socks n jocks.

    Good luck everyone !!

    1. Congratulations on winning can you please message me so I can package up your prize :)

  8. Very proud of you Sis for starting such a great fun project to do in your "fun time". The little pouch you have made is absolutely gorgeous and If I was to win it, I have it with me all the time in my handbag containing my flash drives which have photos of my beautiful nieces and handsome nephews.

  9. Thank you all for your entries, can't wait to give it away :)

  10. I would use the pouch for Craft gear. Needles, pins, thread, chalk, crochet hooks, etc

  11. I'd use this gorgeous pouch to keep in my handbag for first aid type things all together and neat - bandaids, wipes, hand sanitiser, etc. I love the fabric!!!!
